
Plastic glass cosmetic bottles

With the rapid development of modern industry and public opinion continue to enhance environmental protection , paper packaging applications more widely in the commodity , demand is growing . Metallized paper is one of them . Metallized paper mainly consists of paper , aluminum layer and the coating composition, due to good gloss and smoothness , flexibility, sprayed aluminum layer fastness, beautiful environment. cosmetic jarmajor consumer groups are women , cosmetics packaging is attractive to a large extent influence the minds of women status in the cosmetics as well as their preference for a particular brand . Colorful transparent vacuum aluminum printing inks, can revealing splendid noble metallic luster , while giving a psychological hint : use cosmetics after this I could be brilliant, and easy printing. Easy to carry laser holographic vacuum aluminum handle , with good security role. According to the different needs of cosmetic packaging printed on a laser flash LOCO or specific pretty patterns, both beautiful and fresh and easy to identify , but also to discourage counterfeiting . But for now the whole cosmetics market, plastic and glass packaging materials still dominated .

